2020 So Far, Recommended
Albums released in 2020 that I recommend you listen to because they are good in my opinion, and I listened to them a bunch
Not on bandcamp, but on the list:
Run The Jewels - "RTJ4"
Ali Barter - "Hello, I'm Doing My Best" (Girly Bits Pty Ltd)
- BuyShell of a Shell -
Away Team - BuyFRAIL HANDS -
parted/departed/apart - BuyPower Alone -Indecision Records
Rather Be Alone - BuyJeff Rosenstock -Polyvinyl Records
NO DREAM - BuyPavid Vermin -
Cutting Corners - BuyTosser -
Total Restraint - BuyViolent Soho -Pure Noise Records
Everything is A-OK - BuyAgainst All Logic -Other People
2017 - 2019 - Buyholiday music -
Certified Ailments - Buyyoubet -
Compare & Despair - BuySORESPOT -
Gifts of Consciousness - BuyMount Sharp -Totally Real Records
That Shadow - BuyPeel Dream Magazine -Slumberland Records
Emotional Devotion Creator - BuySHAKERS -
I need you to know - BuyMilk Teeth -
Milk Teeth - BuyFrankie valet -
Waterfowl - BuySoccer Mommy -Loma Vista Recordings
bloodstream - BuyScreaming Targets -
Carbon Copies - Buy2nd Grade -Double Double Whammy
Summer of Your Dreams - BuyCounter Intuitive Records -
Retirement Party - Runaway Dog - BuySame -Lauren Records
Plastic Western - BuyDisheveled Cuss -Sargent House
Disheveled Cuss - BuyThe Chinkees -
K.A. MUSIC - BuySeed Of Pain -
PYC025: Flesh, Steel, Victory... - BuyStay Inside -No Sleep
Viewing - BuyEmpty Country -Get Better Records
Empty Country - BuyOptions -
Wind's Gonna Blow - BuyCoriky -Dischord Records
Last Thing - BuyLOUDMOUTH -
LOUDMOUTH - BuySad13 -
Haunted Painting - BuyLifeguard -
Dive - BuyBitpart -
Eat Your Mess - BuyEnd -Closed Casket Activities
Splinters From An Ever-Changing Face - BuyBUMPER -
pop songs 2020 - BuyKnot -
Knot - BuyOther Half -Venn Records
Big Twenty - BuyTerminal Nation -
Holocene Extinction - Buynoera -
Bird in Flight, Done in Soap - BuyMechanical Canine -
Good Photography - BuyBuddie -Crafted Sounds
Heartbeat - BuyFizzgigs -
Weeeeeeeeeeeee are the Fizzgigs - BuySharptooth -Pure Noise Records
Transitional Forms - BuyHelvetia -Joyful Noise Recordings
This Devastating Map - BuyYear Of The Knife -Pure Noise Records
Internal Incarceration - BuyCanyons -
Stay Buried - Buyeedl -
Unstored - BuyYamasaki Suz -
Révolution Technologique
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