First Floor #166 – April 6, 2023
A rundown of my favorite new electronic music.
These are my favorite new electronic tracks that were released during the past week or so, all of which have been highlighted in the latest edition of the First Floor newsletter.
- BuyPizza Hotline -
EMOTION ENGINE - BuyPizza Hotline -
绿帽 Green Hat - BuyTzusing -PAN
绿帽 Green Hat - BuyPépe -Lapsus Records
HSC - BuyPépe -Lapsus Records
HSC - BuyPépe -Lapsus Records
HSC - BuyDoctor Jeep -TraTraTrax
Rolla Dex - BuySlava -Unknown To The Unknown
Without You - BuyShubostar -
Queen Millenia - BuyKatie Gately -Houndstooth
Brute - Buy9th House -
Espalmador - BuySuperski -Cracki records
Espace Supertemporel - BuyDeveloper -
Persuasion Group - BuyWacław Zimpel -state51
Train Spotter - BuyRichard Skelton -
lesser gravity - BuyEscaflowne -
In my Lyfe - BuyPorter Brook -TRULE
Trakt II
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