Fresh & New Musical Selections Episodes 30-39
by sebchan
These are all the records that were written about in Episodes 30-39 of the Fresh and New newsletter [], well, at least those that are available on Bandcamp. Support these artists by buying their music instead of streaming it from other services - especially at this time of precarious existence.
- BuyFenella -Fire Records
Fenella - BuyVarious Artists -
Acid Slice - Welcome to Acid City - BuyNu Era -Omniverse Records
EVOLVE - BuyDeadbeat -
The Saint of Smiths Gully - BuyDeadbeat -
Wax Poetic For This Our Great Resolve - BuyDeadbeat -
LPs 2002-2005 - BuyCaterina Barbieri -
Ecstatic Computation - BuyClairaudience -Feral Media
Sun Damage - BuyAnatolian Weapons feat. Seirios Savvaidis -Beats In Space
To The Mother Of Gods - BuyDeadbeat & Camara -Constellation Records
Trinity Thirty - BuyKiefer -Stones Throw
Superbloom - BuyKiefer -Stones Throw
Bridges - BuyShida Shahabi -FatCat Records
Shifts - BuyMinor Pieces -FatCat Records
The Heavy Steps Of Dreaming - BuyBurial -Hyperdub
Tunes 2011 to 2019 - BuyJunius Paul -
Ism - BuyFrankie Rose -Slumberland Records
Seventeen Seconds - BuyC. Diab -Injazero Records
Exit Rumination - BuyAndras -Beats In Space
Musique Ambiante Française Vol. 2 - BuyJeff Parker -
Suite for Max Brown - BuyNight Gestalt -
Sudden Rituals Vol. 1 - BuyThe Jiants -
Tornado - BuyRX-101 -Suction Records
Serenity - BuyRX-101 -Suction Records
Dopamine - BuyRX-101 -Suction Records
Transmission - BuyRX-101 -Suction Records
Like Yesterday - BuyRebecca Foon -Constellation Records
Vessels - BuyRick Tomlinson -
Phases of Daylight - BuyRrose -
Columns - BuyFour Tet -
4T Recordings - BuyWaclaw Zimpel -
Massive Oscillations
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