The "It’s Almost Like You’re Here" Sampler
I have been quite busy over the past week and whilst I did not really get the chance to write about a tune or two I managed to listen to a far bit. This sampler features a number of new releases including those I have found through participating in the Music League which was the only reason I started using Spotify again.
As for the playlist I really like the Komische influences found on the tracks from Clutter and Kratzen. I also have to mention the new single from The Primitives, a band I started listening to in 1986. Whilst they took a break between 1992 and 2009 it's nice to hear them still making music almost 40 years on and the new single Sweet Sister Sorrow sounds like a cut that did not make 1989's Pure album. As ever, enjoy!
- BuyYndling -
It's Almost Like You're Here - BuyJetstream Pony -
"Bubblegum Nothingness" - BuyClub 8 -
None Of This Will Matter When You Are Dead - Buythe blue herons -
demon slayer - BuySea Shapes -
RUN - BuyMy Raining Stars -shelflife records
For Good - BuySPRING WINDS -
Wither - BuyTHE PRIMITIVES -Elefant Records
Sweet Sister Sorrow - BuyJoyful Forfeit -
Left-Handed Cursive - BuyGo With Strangers -
I'll Miss You, Never - BuyClutter -PNKSLM Recordings
Kraut - BuyKratzen -