Non-goth music for goths (2019)
More music outside of the goth scene but which, imho, fits perfectly my goth sensibilities. Well some is a bit more overtly goth, but you get the idea
- BuySoil Troth -
Rusałki / Rusalkas - BuyIvankovà -
Emerald - BuyWitch Root -
Gallows Kiss - BuyOrnamenti d'Oro -
Mater Tenebrarum (a hand of glory) - BuyShis Unusual -
Materia oscura - BuySHIKEN HANZO -
The Centipede - Buydj haram -Hyperdub
Grace (K.O.D.) - BuyAbyss X -
Priers & Liars - BuySpecial Interest -
Service - BuyV -DERO Arcade
HUMAN ASHTRAY - BuyBestial Mouths -
WITHIIN - BuyGlaring -
Bury Me - BuyNoctisis with Francesca Nicoli -
NOCTISIS- Canticle I - BuyDelphine Dora -
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