Muito Radio Picks: September 2022
by Muito I Monthly selections
We are an (
in)dependent community radio from Buenos Aires, founded in 2020, focused on local and global underground electronic music scene with a transfeminist perspective.- BuyCHOCA -
gaslighting - BuyEL PLVYBXY -
EXTRACORPOREA - BuyChocolate -
Peru's Master Percussionist (Perspectives on Afro-Peruvian Music. The Collection) - BuyCimarrón -
Sin Cara, Sin Nombre - Buyjaijiu -
jaijiu_416 AM - BuyTom Toix, Zqviel, SKSSS, uoq -
VA002 - BuyBungalovv -
20210817 - BuySTUDIO94 RECORDS -
Qoa - Taiga - BuyEl Irreal Veintiuno -N.A.A.F.I
Dualidad - BuyDriado -
MM2: Parodia!
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