things thinging in 2024
by MMercury
strictly chrono- order (Jan to Dec) // regular updates // mainly covering sound-art, contempo-composition, improv, abstractions & experimentalisms
Noise in Yangon ~ Lost in Yangon [CADISC]
- Buyarcheus -
生滅流転 shōmetsuruten - BuyPaul Taylor -
Whirl And Magnet - 167CD (2024) - BuyYarn/Wire -
Yarn/Wire Currents Vol. 8 - BuyRobert Dick & Stephan Haluska -
Crop Circles - BuyFrancisco Meirino -
A Perpetual Host - BuyLeslee Smucker -Beacon Sound
Breathing Landscape - BuyManuel Zurria -
Fame di Vento - BuyPhill Niblock -
Looking for Daniel - BuyRoslyn Steer -
Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird - BuyTON · herzog | muche | nillesen -
meets Sarah Davachi - Buyhyacinth. -
standing in the golden stream. - BuyThollem -ESP-Disk'
Worlds in a Life, One - BuyThomas Fleischhauer -
Aporee Illustrations - BuyLiis Ring -
I found what I was looking for - BuyLisa Ullén -fönstret
Heirloom - BuyFlower yawns -
Florians - BuyFelix Machtelinckx -Subexotic Records
Night Scenes - Buymemotone -
Tollard - BuyStanislav Abrahám -
Důl Lazy - BuyJonathan Coleclough, Theo Travis & Jeph Jerman -
THE AFTERLIFE ALBUM - BuyFolklore Tapes -
Ceremonial County Series Vol.I - West Sussex | Cheshire - BuyAh! Kosmos -
'Circular Weaving' Mixtape - BuyGustavo Costa, Clara Saleiro, João Dias & Biliana Voutchkova -
Natura Mimesis - BuyEryck Abecassis -
é v a p o r a t i o n - BuyKavain Wayne Space & XT -
YESYESPEAKERSYES - BuyFolklore Tapes -
Ceremonial County Series Vol.II - Suffolk | Dorset - Buyalëna korolëva -
premonitions - BuySaya Gray -Dirty Hit
QWERTY II - BuyOï les Ox -
Serrure Relax - BuyHoward Stelzer & Modelbau -
We Agree - BuyTintin Patrone -
Bocklos am Wegesrand - BuyLudo Carroué -
Parcours - BuyDJ Fusiller -
Sacrilège Vénération Vol. 8 - BuyVarious Artists -
Anthology Of Contemporary Music From Far East - BuyMichelle Moeller -AKP Recordings
Late Morning - BuyDawuna -PTP
Southside Bottoms - BuyThollem -ESP-Disk'
Worlds in a Life, Two - BuyUlrich Krieger -
Aphotic III — Bathyal - BuyManuel Carbone and sorta opalka -
Post-Immagini - BuyTwig Harper -
Brain/Dead - Nervous System / Portal Music - Buyminoru sato -m/s -
Circumscribed circle tunes - for degree 15.73, 96.27 and 68.00 triangle - BuyAlfredo Costa Monteiro -
Transient Spaces as Impermanent Lines - BuyKaty Coxwell -
Can we meet in San Diego? - BuyChantal Michelle -
ℎ− 2− ℎ− − 2 ℎ− - BuyJez riley French, Pheobe riley Law, Jenny Berger Myhre, Felicity Mangan, Bethan Kellough -
mɜː.məˈreɪ.ʃən | pərˈfɔr.mɪŋ pleɪs (remixed) - BuyNika Son -
Drift - BuyJames Romig -
Ring - BuyNeil Luck -
Radio Archive (2014-2023) - BuySchweben -
Birds - BuyGil Sansón -
Esto y Aquello (El Gris En Nuestras Vidas) - Buymemotone -
Spring Clean - BuyEuro Herc -
Segnali - BuyManja Ristić/Joana Guerra/Verónica Cerrotta -
Slani pejzaži - BuyKaori Suzuki -
Cloud Cycle - Buykœnig -Ventil Records
FOR ANTON - BuySomnoroase Păsărele -
AUTO[2] - BuyElaine Mitchener -OTOROKU
Solo Throat - BuyLuka Aron -Warm Winters Ltd.
XV XXVII III XXI IX: Variations & Coda - BuyVarious Artists -
De Nor 2024 - Buypablo diserens -
turning porous - BuyIZM -
oneirec 02 - BuyMichelle Lou and Stefan Maier -
Live at UCSD - BuyDavid Strother & Mark Hjorthoy -
Slavery Of The Bees - BuyDuval Timothy, Angel Bat Dawid, Mabe Fratti, Kalia Vandever, CS + Kreme -
Latency alla Villa Medici II - BuyNika Son -
ASLOPE - BuyDavid Vélez -
Comfort Food - BuyMica Levi -Hyperdub
slob air - BuyBryn Davis -
Virginia Bluebells - BuySpyros Polychronopoulos and Jannis Anastasakis -
Nyfida - BuyFolklore Tapes -
Ceremonial County Series Vol.VI - Cornwall | South Yorkshire - BuyM.B. & Sonologyst -
Forme - BuyTomin -
Flores para Verene / Cantos para Caramina - BuyFolklore Tapes -
Ceremonial County Series Vol.VII - Durham | Staffordshire - BuyMakhun -
The Air Is Unable - BuyLäuten Der Seele -
Die Reise zur Monsalwäsche - BuyLaurence Pike -The Leaf Label
The Undreamt-of Centre - BuyMarc Namblard & Yannick Dauby -
Brownsberg & Other Topographics - BuyERNESTO LONGOBARDI + DEMETRIO CECCHITELLI -
Maloviento - BuyLea Bertucci -
Hold Music - Buycrys cole -Black Truffle
Making Conversation - Buyvarious artists -
harkening critters - Buyana reme -
key - BuyRyan Shirlow & David Colohan -Woodford Halse
FC7 - Through Me, You Pass / Through You, I See - BuyJohn Grzinich -
Ice Tectonics - BuyMirt -
Back to the Island - BuySubtext Recordings -
Cybernetics, or Ghosts? - BuyJabu -
A Soft and Gatherable Star - BuyRobert Schwarz -Superpang
Stridulations 1-14 - BuyCatherine Christer Hennix -
Further Selections from the Electric Harpsichord - BuyBeachers -
There are no cicadas in this town - BuyGHOST -
Triple Pocket Napkin Fold - BuySid Frank -
Beijing 1988 - BuyDaniela Huerta -Elevator Bath
Soplo - BuyAbdullah Miniawy -Hundebiss Records
NigmaEnigma أنيجم النَجم - BuyHAPTIC -
Sensitive Dependence on Initial Conditions - BuyJeff Parker ETA IVtet -
The Way Out of Easy - BuyRatkiller -Possible Motive
Reaching Intestinal Scenery - BuyAk'chamel -
Rawskulled - Buythe concept horse -Students of Decay
PUBLIC DETAIL - BuyAlvin Curran -
Ronce - BuyFendoap & Atsuko Hatano -
Aether & Brew
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