things thinging in 2022
by MMercury
strictly chronological order (Jan to Dec) // regular updates
+ the few not found on bandcamp:
defunensemble ~ Hyperrealistic Songs [Alba Records]
Nobuhiko Hayashi ~ -ist [self-released]
Eva-Maria Houben (perf. Frantic Percussion Ensemble) ~ 4 for four [Edition Wandelweiser]
Anastassis Philippakopoulos (perf. Teodora Stepančić) ~ Piano 1 Piano 2 Piano 3 [Edition Wandelweiser]
Evgueni Galperine ~ Theory of Becoming [ECM Records]
Staubitz and Waterhouse and Seamus ~ Gorgers
- BuyLiz Allbee, John Butcher, Ignaz Schick, Marta Zapparoli -
lamenti dall'infinito - BuyCentrul Isteric -
PUP - BuyAnthony Donofrio -
Designs and Meditations - BuyNiklas Adam -
Reparative Torque - BuySalomé Voegelin (scores compilation) -
Paint your lips while singing your favourite pop song - BuyMadrelarva -
Sol y Acero - BuyJoseph Allred -
Thầy - BuyDans Le Monde Des Variants -
II - Buykritzkom -
Autosampler - BuyVarious Artists -
Sounds for the Soul: Western Ambient - BuyConcrete Gazebo -
Fleeting - BuySunfish Starfish -
Brimful of Escher - BuyHugo Lioret and Porter Ellerman -
Inside / Outside - BuyAndrea Marinelli + Demetrio Cecchitelli -
Combination - BuyLEYA -NNA Tapes
Eyeline - BuyKate Carr -
fake creek - BuyNurses with knives -
Lachesism - BuyHelge Iberg -NXN Recordings
The Black On White Album - BuyManja Ristić -
Rings of Water - BuyAbby Lee Tee -
Hornstrandir - BuyConspiracy Therapists -
Source & Sorcery - BuyMetgumbnerbone -
Out of The Ground - BuyThe Creeping Man -
Opportunistic Cannibal - BuyP Foundation -
Young Cloud - BuyAndreas Brandal -
Zener_38 - BuyŠirom -Glitterbeat Records
The Liquified Throne of Simplicity - BuyQuatuor Bozzini -
Michael Oesterle: Quatuors - BuySOMNOROASE PĂSĂRELE -
ZAAZ - BuyTanti Aglaia -See Blue Audio
La Mer - BuyYes Selma -
Dulce en Rune - Buylloyd Thayer -
Twenty20 - BuyRichard Bégin -
Fragile Section - BuyG’Odd -
“Bath Salt of the Earth” - BuyNoori & His Dorpa Band -
Beja Power! Electric Soul & Brass from Sudan's Red Sea Coast - BuySOMNOROASE PĂSĂRELE -
0RT0 (V-VI) - BuySchmitz & Niebuhr -
The Greatest Hits - BuyGÜNTER BABY SOMMER AND THE LUCACIU 3 -Intakt Records
Karawane - BuySwine -
Bewildered - BuyOrgan of Corti -
Incus / Malleus - BuySOMNOROASE PĂSĂRELE -
ZEET - BuyBotex Spykidelic -Woodford Halse
PCT 02 - Botex Spykidelic - BuySavvas Metaxas -
New Space - BuyNatasha Barrett -
Heterotopia - BuyVarious Artists -
Vacant Spaces - BuyTanti Aglaia -
CO N SOLA - BuyMark Vernon -
A World Behind This World - BuyJoseph Allred -
The Rambles & Rags of Shiloh - BuyMusic of Transparent Means -de la Catessen
Selected Live Recordings - BuyVanessa Rossetto -
The Actress - Buyeric arn & eyal maoz -
Kost Nix - BuyLars Haur -
Traverse the Existential Void - BuyBudhaditya Chattopadhyay -
Withering Field - BuyMAI MAO -
IRAHSCIR - Buymaninkari -
Un phénomène de reliance - BuyValerio Tricoli -
Say Goodbye To The Wind - BuyFusiller -
Dj Fusiller / Fusiller - BuyNurses With Knives -
AGONAL - BuyNeža Naglič / Primož Bončina -
Inner Weather - BuyRoel Meelkop & Das Synthetische Mischgewebe -
Violence Against the Evidence - BuyBentley Anderson -Trouble In Mind Records
Scintil - BuyDamon Smith/Louis Wall/NNN Cook -
Fire Point - BuyRUBBISH MUSIC -
Upcycling - BuyManja Ristić & Mark Vernon -
Sound Postcards from the Centre of the Periphery - BuyFelicity Mangan -Warm Winters Ltd.
Wet On Wet - BuyPhillip Golub -greyfade
filters - BuyKiki Bohemia & Sicker Man -blankrecords
waiting for wood - BuyActive Recovering Music -Ftarri
Material Unity 2 - BuyDomiziana Bocina & Edoardo Cammisa -
Lake Studies - BuyIllusion Of Safety & Z'EV -
Illusion Of Safety & Z'EV - BuyAdrián Demoč & Ensemble Ricercata -
Hudba (za názvom) / Music (Beyond the Name) - BuyHeleen Van Haegenborgh -
Squaring the Circle - BuyAuteyn -
Vigiles - BuyKate Carr -
Making Do Vol. 1 - BuyFabio Perletta -
Cell-Fate - BuyTomoki Tai -Ftarri
Paraphrase on Shichikushoshinshu [1664]
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