"staff are nice but the hotel is only good for 1 night"... EOY 2018
the lady bot's eoy 2018 list.....
2018 was an interesting year personally ... I end up in Tasmania hanging with the roos and Tasmanian devils.
A few of my dreams came true this year, I visited Canada and plaid Mutek Montreal, been asked to curate parties in 2019 at Soup Kitchen Manchester and the year ends for me with a special gig for Wigflex with Actress who influenced me greatly for the past 7 years.
( he even sign my favourite record of his and was very kind to me )
All this while listening to as much music that comes my way, either recommended or send to me...
Here is a little fraction of the beautiful music that I came across in 2018 and now a part of my collection .....
- BuyGALTFaculty -Human Pitch
E B O W - BuyGeneral Ludd -
Owl - BuyTristan Arp -Human Pitch
Double Exposure - BuyRoyal Sun -
Fields - BuyHAAi -
Your Disk Is Full - BuyAkrobat -
Bout Of Nerves - BuyMathias MU -
Morning Walk - BuyDEBBY FRIDAY -
STAY UP - Buypiksel -
Conform - BuyLack -
Absent - BuyPatrúin -
V/A - Meryl
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