International Chrome's Bandcamp picks December 2021
by IntlChrome
Our top picks from around the world this month...
Every month, we take a percentage of the money the label has made and use it to support other artists we love. This list is all the things we boug ht, or added to the Wishlist. If you love any of these too, please drop a few coins on their pages. Remember to check out for a massive database of Black artists. If you want to keep up to date with what we rate, you can also follow the Bandcamp Fan Page:
- BuykLap & Dj Lycox -
Vem no Aquecimento (ft. Edge & Pe$te) - BuyDJ SWISHA, Diyr & Kanyon -
What's Stopping You From Doing This? - BuyPhotonz -
Photonz - Planetary Spirit - BuyAsh Lauryn -
Truth EP - BuyAny Act -TRAM Planet Records
Ne Boyat'sya EP - BuyTONCALi & AKA AFK -
Brasa No Mapa - BuyUNiiQU3 -Local Action
Unavailable (feat. R3LL) - BuyDialectic Sines -TRAM Planet Records
Threshold Living - BuyJoe Koshin -
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