by hi54lofi
All the 'available on Bandcamp' tracks that get featured in my STOP TALKING… I'M TRYING TO THINK playlist
I have a bunch of playlists that I update on a regular basis, and often the tracks I add are available on Bandcamp — so, after recently re-discovering Buy Music Club as a way to make 'available on Bandcamp' lists, I figured I should start keeping track of all the 'ava ilable-on-Bandcamp' tracks I add to this ongoing Spotify playlist going forward. So, if you hear something you like, go throw some direct support towards the artist/s over on Bandcamp \m/
- BuyThe Phonometrician -
Campos de Trigo - BuyThe Square Community -
Shootin' Skip - BuyNoir et Blanc -
[door opens] - BuyRob Burger -Western Vinyl
Figurine - BuyRob Burger -Western Vinyl
Figurine - BuyLite Fails -
On A Clear Day - BuyMartin Ruby -
Sisyphus - BuyDionisaf -
Pomegranate Dream - BuyBartosz Ługowski -
Zwidy - BuyDiskret, Foam and Sand -
Dazed (Foam and Sand Remix) - BuyThe Paper Sea -
Whisper Willows - BuyWil Bolton -
Notes and Recollections - BuyAuld Blue Eyes -
Julien - BuySailcloth -Lost Tribe Sound
Mountain - BuyOpris -
Turmoil - BuyChrystal Für -
I’m Losing You - BuyGoodparley -
Disengaging (edit) - BuyFoam and Sand -
Circle 23 - BuyEchoflex -
After the Deluge (5.18) - BuyManne Skafvenstedt -
A Lone Conifer. A Barren Cliff. - BuyWilliam Ryan Fritch -Lost Tribe Sound
Bygones - BuyPeaks of Valleys -
Additive Path - BuyHaraldur Thrastarson -
Eitt - Buylostintime -
dreams - BuyA Winged Victory for the Sullen -
So That The City Can Begin To Exist - BuyZach Fay -
Sonar - BuyMetropolitan Project -
Drifting Towards a Center (Lidenbrock Sea) - BuyMaxton Hunter -
Serenity - BuyMichael A. Muller -Western Vinyl
Blue Canyon - BuyFolkatron Sessions -
Coachman's Cottage - BuyGoodparley -
Sedative In Spring - BuyEvan Gildersleeve -Human Worth
Mortal - BuyEmily A. Sprague -RVNG Intl.
Moon View - BuyGlinca -
The Long Path - BuyNature Walk -
King of Wands - BuySeven Crows -Teahouse Records
Chamoru - BuyCEEYS -Neue Meister
Reunion - BuyFoam and Sand -
Circle 5 - BuyElori Saxl -Western Vinyl
Blue - BuyVieo Abiungo -Lost Tribe Sound
Unfulfilled Promise - BuyZeze Wakamatsu -PURRE GOOHN
Decay is the new fade - BuyJoão de Nóbrega Pupo -
Music of Changes - BuyEchoflex -
50°21'08"N 4°10'22"W Veering SW - BuyClaire Deak & Tony Dupé -Lost Tribe Sound
the rain - BuyStephen Caulfield -
Far Too Late - BuyHour -Dear Life Records
Beautiful, OH - BuyVincent Gallo -
I Wrote This Song For The Girl Paris Hilton - BuyPhoria -
Caught a Black Rabbit - BuyShadow Gordon -
Walk of the Locust - BuyPurple Decades -
Kyoto - BuyGoldmund -Western Vinyl
The Time It Takes - BuyNorvik -Inner Ocean Records
Demure - BuyThe Phonometrician -Lost Tribe Sound
Chloe - BuyManne Skafvenstedt -
What You Don't Know - BuyElskavon -
Familiarity - BuyMjorn -
Sirin's Nest - BuyAkiyoshi Yasuda -
memento - BuySnowsleep -
Coloured shadows - BuySalt Lake Electric Ensemble -
The Wayfaring Drones of Science - BuyTake Me There -Passed Recordings
Will You Ever Be At Peace With Yourself? - BuyArttu Silvast -
Clouds over Tynemouth - BuyEyes Behind the Veil -
Held by Grief - BuyPerry Frank -
Decades - BuyInventions -Temporary Residence Ltd.
Hints and Omens - BuyLuigi Beatrice -
Stabs - Buyjeremy r.r. -
Staring at a Border - BuyCorey Gordon -
ambi 10 - BuyThe Black Dog -
Out Of Your League - BuyJesse Woolston -
Lesser Steps - BuyBeyond The Moving Lights -
Racing Thoughts - BuyNOUS -
Beneath - BuyTROVA -
Cerro - BuyPaul Haslinger -
Undertow - BuyCedric Elisabeth -
Ctrl Iks - BuyCat Tyson Hughes -
A Lovely Walk - Buywill moor -
Lawren Harris - BuyAmparo -
Toska - BuyHRNS -
Fuckboy Credentials - BuyLou Rogai -
Implications in D Major; Adagio For Chamber Strings - BuyMONOH -Quiet Love Records
For Good - Buybensnburner -
laura palmer's theme - BuyOld Amica -
Rymdens klot - BuyExpected Guest -
Never Mind The Forecast - BuyMichael A. Muller -
Lower River - BuyAntarctic Wastelands -
Light, Fragmented - BuyAlaskan Tapes -Nettwerk
Views From Sixteen Stories - BuyMartina Bertoni -
Elevate - BuyMicah Vaultz -
at sonrise, someone dies - Buycoldest winter -
Elevator Interlude (51°39'36.4"N 0°23'31.9"W) - BuyOcean Floor -
mirror 2 - BuyBroken Shoulder -
Shark Island (Crow Versus Crow session) - BuyPlaydate -Séance Centre
Tape VII Am - BuyChris Child & Micah Frank -FOIL
Peering At Dawn - BuyNon-Functional Harmony -
---a--- - BuySeabuckthorn -
1110 - BuyGregory Bortnichak -
Lo - BuySUSS -Northern Spy Records
Night Suite - BuyMary Lattimore & Paul Sukeena -
Garage Wine - BuyRevelators Sound System -37d03d
Collected Water - BuyAndrew Tuttle -Basin Rock
New Breakfast Habit - BuyArmbruster -Dear Life Records
By Crossed Symbols - BuyBlack Brunswicker -
Midwestern Rumination - BuyGolden Brown -
Safe and Somewhat Sound - Buylostintime -
solace - BuyYoung Man in a Hurry -
open book emoji - BuyWilliam Ryan Fritch -Lost Tribe Sound
Movement XI - BuyLia Kohl -
Too Small to be a Plain - BuyNils Frahm -LEITER
Late - BuyDash Hammerstein -
Appearance of a third person - BuyPatricia Wolf -Balmat
Pacific Coast Highway - BuyAaron Martin -Lost Tribe Sound
A Threat Emerges - BuySUSS -Northern Spy Records
Linger - BuyDuncan Marquiss -Basin Rock
Minor History - BuyDave Harrington & Tim Mislock -
La Contenta - BuyNathan Salsburg -No Quarter
IX - BuyMike Baggetta / Jim Keltner / Mike Watt -
Everywhen We Go - BuyArthur King -AKP Recordings
Caminando - BuyCarl Erdmann -Morning Trip Records
Turritella Flats - BuyRichard Thompson -No Quarter
Glencoe - BuyWilliam Ryan Fritch -Lost Tribe Sound
A World of Promise and Inaction - BuyBranko Mataja -Numero Group
Sreo Sam Te - BuySeawind of Battery -
IH-001: Clockwatching - BuyFuubutsushi -
Loop Trail - Buyfederico mosconi -Lost Tribe Sound
Breath - BuyChannelers -
Shades Of Rain - BuyAdrian Copeland -Lost Tribe Sound
Stars With No Sky - BuyCarlos Niño & Friends -
Youwillgetthroughthis, I promise (with Jamael Dean) - BuyErnest Hood -
Bedroom of the Absent Child - BuyML Wah -
Lunar Hymn II - BuyGlenn Jones -Thrill Jockey Records
Away - BuyJQ -Hot Salvation Records
Dissociation - BuyScree -Ruination Record Co.
Jasmine On A Night In July - BuyJeffrey Silverstein -Arrowhawk Records
Chet (feat. Willliam Tyler) - BuyOkonski -Colemine Records
Magnolia - BuyThrupence -
Folds - BuySteve Gunn & David Moore -RVNG Intl.
Painterly - BuyMegadead -
Disco Infernal - BuyErik Nilsson -
Once, I Held You in My Arms Forever - BuyBlue Lake -Tonal Union
Sun Arcs - BuyJuha Mäki-Patola -
Aurora - BuySailcloth -
Resting Fields - BuyBrendan Eder Ensemble -
#3 (Rhubarb) - Aphex Twin cover
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