by hi54lofi
All the 'available on Bandcamp' tracks that get featured in my INDIE AMERICA, USA playlist
I have a bunch of playlists that I update on a regular basis, and often the tracks I add are available on Bandcamp — so, after recently re-discovering Buy Music Club as a way to make 'available on Bandcamp' lists, I figured I should start keeping track of all the 'available-on-Bandcamp' tracks I add to this ongoing playlist going forward.
So, if you hear something you like, go throw some direct support towards the artist/s over on Bandcamp \m/
- BuyAnastasia Coope -No-Gold
Tough Sun - BuyTeal Peel -
Sandy - BuyAndrew Bryant -Sentimental Noises Records
Gravy - BuyPacing -ASIAN MAN RECORDS
Annoying Email - BuyTuxis Giant -
Cub Scout - BuyThe Planes -
Thrift Store - BuyCareer Woman -Lauren Records
Passing - BuyThe Violet Mindfield -
Hard Times, Easy Love - BuyJacob Aranda -Speakeasy Studios SF
Strangers In A Field - BuyLee Baggett -
All Star Day - BuyHalf Stack -Forged Artifacts
Burnt - Buymemorytown -
SUGAR IN YOUR CUP - BuyIndianna Hale -
Hollow The Words - BuyWetsuit -Substitute Scene
Local Celebrity - BuyStef + The Sleeveens -
Give My Regards to The Dancing Girls - BuyNathan Xander -
Coney Island Vacation - BuyGaadge -Crafted Sounds
No Go - BuySonny Falls -Earth Libraries
Night Scene - Buysinai vessel -
Tangled - BuyLonely Choir -
You're Dying - BuyGrocer -Grind Select
Pick A Way - Buybattle ave. -
my year with the wizard - BuySooner -Good Eye Records
Boscobel - BuyAmbrosia -
Ambrosia - BuyOh Bummer! -
Mirrors - BuySlow Fiction -
Niagara - Buymoodlighting -
Ahead of myself - BuyOuter Shapes -
Colors - BuyShanf -
Company Card - BuyThe Rizzos -
Breslin - Buykissed her little sister -
american boy - BuyGood Dog Nigel -
My Whole Life - BuyMatthew And The Arrogant Sea -
Hit Me Up Hard Times - BuyTelemonster -
Your Life Begins Today - BuyModern Moxie -
Big Wave - BuyBobcat Rob & The Nightly Howl -
Real Fine Day - BuyJune Swoon -
Queen of Hearts - BuyGreen Gerry -
Heaven 22 - BuyMae Powell -
Yellow Flower - BuyQueera Nightly -OIM Records
Pillow Talk - BuyOmen Moth -
Smoke on the Bridge - BuySproutfit -
Heavy - Buyregal murk -
archduke - BuyZOO -Good Eye Records
No Man's Land - BuyCare Package -
Pinch - BuyStrange Magic -
Submarines with Kevin - BuyFlower Crown -Crafted Sounds
The Billy - BuyShaylee -
Ophelia - BuySixteen Jackies -
Just Kids - Buyyllwblly -
Pick On You - BuyIcarus Phoenix -
Anthem - BuyRainwater -
Glorianne - BuyCentral Heat Exchange -Birthday Cake
Help Me Understand - BuyBRNDA -Crafted Sounds
Perfect World - BuyIzzy Heltai -
Met on the Internet - Buyjuno roome -
gardens - BuyAttics -
Gather the Props - BuyAli Awan -Born Losers Records
Moon Mode - BuyJustice Cow -
show you - BuyLomma -
Take My Life Apart - BuyZero Percent APR -
Free To Be Evil - Buy(printer friendly) -
Some kind of lie - BuyGrady Strange -
Karmas A Gun - BuyRascal Miles -
Tailor-Made - BuySub*T -
Boxing Day - BuyJames Lockhart Jr. -
2short - BuySpud Cannon -Good Eye Records
Juno - BuyDavid Wax Museum -
Helen, Can You Forgive Me? - Buymissing image -
Lemon Tree - BuyTwig Palace -
Nautilus Teeth - BuyKING ROPES -
Magical Floating Eye - BuyOK Cool -
Hypervigilant - Buylearn karate -
Selvi - BuyHarrison Lemke -
Only Idaho, Forever - BuyColin Miller -oof records
Robin - BuyJoe P -
Fighting In The Car - BuyCareer Boy -
Scam Jam - BuyGaadge -Crafted Sounds
Twenty-Two - Buy18PM -
cyanide - BuyPorch Weather -
Tallahassee - BuySara Renberg -
Will You Still Want Me - BuyKilometers -
Thick Of It - BuyWhy Dogs Why -
T.O.C. - BuyConor Lynch -
King of It - BuyPunchlove -
In Reverse - BuyGhoul Friends -
Try To - Buyanguid -
Man of Action - BuyButch Wifey -
Wallet - BuyEvan Wright -
Something Here is Wrong - BuyThe Sonder Bombs -Take This To Heart Records
k. - Buydeer scout -
country (porches) - BuyRidgelines -
Good luck - BuyRosing -
Beige Oblivion - BuyMister Sweetheart -
Midwestern Kiss - BuyTOTAL RUBBISH -Born Losers Records
Kids - BuyGOLDEN -
Eye - BuyFirst Responder -
Shins - BuyThere's Talk -
Golden - BuyJames V -
Television - BuyIcarus Phoenix -
80's Night Dance Party Singing "Send Me an Angel" - BuyUrban Heat Island -
Q Three (feat. Baseball Dad) - Buybandanna -
sleepy eyes - BuyPalo Sopraño -
Dead Flowers - Buyorchid mantis -Z Tapes
never know why - BuyJake Elijah -
Dark Night - BuyOK Cool -
I Can't Stand in Ice Skates - BuyGrowing Pains -
Orange Sunshine - BuyColor Shy -
Light Leak - BuyCape Francis -
comatose - BuyKacey Johansing -Night Bloom Records
No Better Time - BuyRaul Gonzalez Jr -Z Tapes
Boy - BuyLawn -
Johnny - BuyWesley Jensen -
Talking - BuyGround Loops -
I Don't Think He Remembers - BuyDemeter -
The Bit, The Bridle - BuySwim Rest -
I Am a Happy Man - BuyThe Love Bunch -
Ode to the Cupboard Gang - BuySneaky Bones -
Strangers - BuyGlom -
Matches - BuyBobcat Rob & The Nightly Howl -
Drainpipes - BuySmith, Lyle & Moore -
Werewolf - BuyElijah Wolf -
Like This, Anymore - BuyConcetta Abbate -
Creatures - BuyBo and the Locomotive -
Heart - BuyUnicorns at Heart -Z Tapes
Lovejoy Fountain - BuyMcKinley Dixon -
The Story So Far (Prod. by Onirologia) - BuyLa Palma -
Infinite Bounce - BuyDrew Danburry -
When/Mercury is in Retrograde/Again, for Winter Nights - Buycaroline lazar -
Roller Rink - BuyLeaf Eaterr -
Spaceship - BuyOld Fashioned Bleeding Hearts -
Little Miss - BuyMy Son The Doctor -
Blue Tank Tops - BuyJW Francis -
New York - BuyBYLAND -
Mine - BuyBuddie -Crafted Sounds
Heartbeat - BuyDeath Hags -
Looking for a Big Grey Sun - BuyFrass Green -
No Passion - BuyPort Lucian -
20z - BuyDaniel Feinberg -
Sonic 2K9 (feat. Henry Anreder & Katie McTigue) - BuyRunnner -
heliotrope - BuyMaggie Gently -
Alive - BuyMaria DeHart -
Island Song - BuyMini Trees -
Slip Away - Buy18PM -
control - BuyBaybs -Text Me Records
Would You Dare - Buyderek ted -
so strange ... - BuyBest Baby -
Faking to Pretend - BuyModern Diet -
Post Grad - BuyMerce Lemon -Crafted Sounds
Spill It Out - BuyStrange Pilgrim -
Salt and Seagulls - BuyIndigo Bunting -
I Fell Through - BuySea Offs -
For Familiarity's Sake - Buygolda may -
Dear Los Angeles - BuyStrawberry Generation -
When You Were Here And I Was Sad - BuyTim Carr -
Take Me There - BuyMercury Slim -
Fade To Blue - BuyCheekface -
Sexy National Anthem - BuyPalm Ghosts -
Lorelei - BuySTRANGE HALOS -
Mistakes Were Made - BuyWill Lawrence -
Slow Dancing On A High Wire - BuyFlower Crown -
High Fantasy - BuyIcarus Phoenix -
Capacity For Delight, For Ikumi - BuyBobcat Rob & The Nightly Howl -
Tadpole School - BuyPlant Daddy -
Twenty/Eighteen - BuyField Guides -
Margaret - BuyGolden Apples -Lame-O Records
Let Me Do My Thing - BuyThe Black Tones -Sub Pop Records
The End of Everything - BuyDead Gowns -
How You Act - BuyFime -Forged Artifacts
Not For Nothing - BuyLawn -born yesterday records
Down - BuyRubber Band Gun -
Crazy Medicine - BuyThe Nova Darlings -
I Like Crashing My Car (Into Yours) - BuyDesolation Horse -American Standard Time Records
Why They Don't Let Drunks Into Heaven - BuyDrew Fitchette -
Bishop - BuyRachel Angel -
I Can't Win - BuyTownsel Turner -
Stone Spilt Sky - Buybattle ave. -
leo - BuyOneida -Joyful Noise Recordings
Beat Me to the Punch - BuyDeau Eyes -subflora
Another One Comes Around - BuyDeva Grace -
Vocivos - BuyJPW -
Clarifying Word - BuyMightmare -Kill Rock Stars
Saturn Turns - Buylund -
Right This Time - BuyTeens in Trouble -
Old Starnes Cove Road - BuyBloomsday -
Jersey Soccer - BuyExpert Timing -Count Your Lucky Stars Records
Kick Rocks - Buysmut -Bayonet Records
After Silver Leaves - BuyWayne Graham -
Decorated time - Buywinded -
Throw A Smile Toward Me - Buybeat radio -
Real Love - BuyLet's Whisper -
Long Run - BuyKenny Roby -Royal Potato Family
Leave It Behind - BuyKING ROPES -
Breathing - BuyBAL -
Codec - BuyThe Medium -yk records
For Horses - BuyChronophage -Post Present Medium
Chronophage - BuyWinkler -
Call it Good Times - BuyBug Bites -
Toyota Sienna - BuyShelley Short -
Greenleaf - BuyNoah Roth -
Perfect Detail - BuyFust -Dear Life Records
Violent Jubilee - BuyKicking Bird -
Talking to Girls (On the Internet) - BuyMediocre -Dangerbird Records
Together Together - BuyCusp -
Dead Things Talk - BuyConnie Cunningham and the Creeps -Earth Libraries
Going, Going, Going, Gone - BuyAaron Beckum -
Slanted River Crossing / Hail Mary - BuySailor Down -
Bat Signal - BuyDaily Worker -Bobo Integral
Autofiction - BuyBosque Brown -
You Said - BuyLaith -Fluff and Gravy Records
79 - Buycave people -
Echo - BuyWhitney's Playland -Meritorio Records
Mercy - BuyPurling Hiss -Drag City Records
Yer All In My Dreams - BuyDari Bay -
Wait For You - BuySluice -Ruination Record Co.
Fourth Of July - BuyVerboten -
Strange Rehab
Embed list