La Voce del Caprone's best of 2022
by Gabratta
I migliori dischi del 2022 selezionati da La Voce del Caprone (AKA Gabratta)
Album of the year: Véhémence - Ordalies
Italian album of the year: Messa - Close
Debut of the year: Strange Horizon & Duir
Premio mazzate in faccia ai parrini: Hate & Merda - Ovunque Distruggi
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- BuyAEVITERNE -Profound Lore Records
The Ailing Facade - BuyARTIFICIAL BRAIN -
Artificial Brain - BuyAshenspire -Aural Music
Hostile Architecture - BuyAu-Dessus -
Mend - BuyBAD MANOR -
THE HAUNTING - BuyBergfried -Erech Leleth
Romantik I - BuyBlut Aus Nord -Debemur Morti Productions
Disharmonium - Undreamable Abysses - BuyCondra -Tragedy Productions
Aeonic Tempest from the Abyss - BuyCosmic Putrefaction -
Crepuscular Dirge For The Blessed Ones - BuyDEATHHAMMER -HELLS HEADBANGERS Records & Distribution
Electric Warfare - BuyDjevel -
Naa skrider natten sort - BuyDream Unending -
Song Of Salvation - BuyDrudkh -Season of Mist
All Belong to the Night - BuyDUIR -
T.S.N.R.I. - IMPERMANENZA - BuyElder -
Innate Passage - BuyEllende -
Ellenbogengesellschaft - BuyEpectase -
Nécroses - BuyFrér -
Crepuscular Glare Of Wisdom - BuyHate & Merda -
Ovunque Distruggi - BuyImperial Triumphant -Century Media Records
Spirit Of Ecstasy - BuyIngvarr -
A Dire Prediction - BuyKALEIDOBOLT -Svart Records
This One Simple Trick - BuyKampfar -Indie Recordings
Til Klovers Takt - BuyKawir -
Γιγαντομαχία (War of the Giants) - BuyKrallice -
Crystalline Exhaustion - BuyLICHO -
Ciuciubabka - BuyLum -
"L'Feu e la Stria" - BuyLustre -Nordvis
A Thirst for Summer Rain - BuyMessa -
Close - BuyMisþyrming -NoEvDia
Með hamri - BuyMånegarm -Napalm Records
Ynglingaättens Öde - BuyNEGATIVE PLANE -:AJNA:
The Pact - BuyNu Genea -NG Records
Bar Mediterraneo - BuyPENSEES NOCTURNES -
Boreal Despair - BuySpiritus Mortis -Svart Records
The Great Seal - BuySplatterpink -
The Best Of Italian Music (IMP053) - BuyStrange Horizon -Apollon Record AS
Beyond The Strange Horizon - BuyTheomachia -
The Theosophist - BuyVéhémence -
Ordalies - BuyWorm -
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