Mixed & Mastered @ Considered Sounds
by consideredsnds
An ever-growing list of music & projects we've had the pleasure of working on at Considered Sounds.
Got your own project? We'd love to hear it: www.consideredsounds.com
- Buyrunt -
Eternal Satisfaction In A Sugar Water Feeder - BuyISO KIVI -
ISO KIVI - Buymafu -
UGHđ¤¤WHEEZIE - Buyrunt -
mange - BuyMax Rollins -
The World Is Small Again - BuyHal -
Working With Machines - BuyFIFI & LUNĂTICA -
Sea Foam EP - Buyfurious styles -
furiously screwed: chapter 5 (hollow points) - BuyJake Plisken -
Jake Plisken EP - Buyfurious styles -
furiously screwed: year of tha real (meekz, m1llionz & daseplate x dunman) - Buyfurious styles -
furiously screwed: chapter 2 (the return) - Buymafu -
mafu - Buyseek:id -
People In The Streets - Buyb.michaael -
White Rooms, Glass Bells - BuyDJ Pitch -
It's Not What You Said It's Because You Spoke - BuyDiessa -
Between Rooms - BuyDJ Pitch -
But In Fact - BuyB:Thorough -
B:Thorough EP - BuyEdited Arts -
Felisha Ledesma - In a Bow - BuyILLUMINATION BOIZ -
Slowly Changing Dimensions - BuyWorli -
Cognitive Bias - BuyDiessa -
Diessa EP - BuyHard Fantasy -
Hard Fantasy EP - BuyDa Gold Dust -
Da Gold Dust EP - BuySol Ring -
I Close The Door Upon Myself - BuyWorli -
Traveler EP
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