November 2023
A selection of songs featured in or listened to while writing this month's Concrete Avalanche(s).
- Buy33EMYBW -
Holes of Time 时间之孔 feat. oxi peng - Buyotay:onii -No-Gold
W.C. (Liars Remix) - BuyCharity SsB -
VRO DRILL (feat. G94) - BuySouth Acid Mimi -
Spegulo - Buyayrtbh -Metasonar
Porridge 粥 - BuyKloxii Li -bié Records
Angel Dust 天使塵 - BuyLouzhang 樓長 -
Sea-Deer / 海鹿 - BuyGuzz -
追赶流星雨的人 - Buy胡格 Hug -
阿基耐 - BuyOne Moon -
shoegaze forever - BuyBiang Biang Boy -
Of This World - BuyBedtime conversation -
High Altitude Questioning - BuyDAVID BORING -
Brian Emo - BuyZhao Cong -
Contact 接触 - Buyyan jun -
plays samuel beckett
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