Concrete Avalanche December 2022 / January 2023
Recent releases from China / featuring Chinese artists mentioned in the Concrete Avalanche Substack or listened to while writing it.
- BuyHowie Lee -
Breed some animals and call them sheep - Buyvii M -Eating Music
Right Now, Wrong Then - BuyBloodz Boi, spira me -
Darling, You Don't Need to Translate Your Heart All the Time - Buy动物园钉子户 Zoo Gazer -
沮丧的岁末 - BuyTHE 尺口MP -
緣之愛 - BuyChinese Football -
武汉 Wuhan - BuyWang Wen 惘闻 -Pelagic Records
There's a Wallmart Underneath the Olympic Square - BuyZhaoze -
The Life of a Dayfly | 蜉生记 - BuyYu Miao, mafmadmaf -
祈向 Benediction - BuySabu Toyozumi,Lao Dan and Hisaharu Teruuchi -
Jimbraid - BuyIZ Band -
Aⱪen 阿肯 - BuyKarou Abe No Future 阿部薰没有未来 -
glow 红霞 - Buy孤獨的利裏 Lonely Leary -TAIHE MUSIC GROUP
北方來信 (不插電) - Buy石璐Atom -TAIHE MUSIC GROUP
狗糧 - BuyBerlin Psycho Nurses柏林護士 -TAIHE MUSIC GROUP
Psychotic whispery - BuyὉπλίτης -
Ὁ τῶν δακρύων ἄγγελος - BuyEmpty Calvins -
neo way [Torturing Nurse] - BuyWHITE+ -TAIHE MUSIC GROUP
43 (Falling Down) - BuyZaliva-D -
昏寿锵锵 Hun Shou Qiang Qiang - BuySTOLEN -
Why We Follow - BuyYan Jun -
"on and off" (composed by ryoko akama) take 1
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