chromasy w/ Mira Calix - Balamii // March 2021
This months show has a theme of Change.
The first hour sees myself winding out of this final seasonal cold snap into slightly warmer tunes.
A journey from downtempo ambience through to offbeat driven selections.
Mira Calix takes over the second half of the show with a genre hopping guest mix titled:
To Stay Changed Forever.
Hope the show bought you some solace.
Thanks again to Mira Calix!
Really honoured to have had her on and deliver a vibrant and contemplative hour.
You can keep up to date via:
Once restrictions are eased - look out for the re-opening of Mimosa House - where Mira Calix is part of the Syncopes exhibition.
I'll be back again next month, with another guest... !
Full tracklisting:
- BuyMasayoshi Fujita -Erased Tapes
Thunder - BuyJaxson Payne & Zapoppin' -
Jaxson Payne - Tears - BuyValance Drakes -
Expression Of The Soul’s Desire To Escape - BuyOdd Nosdam -
SES - BuyOjan -
Way Home - BuyTryphème -
IN A CYBER SPIRAL - BuyFragile X -See Blue Audio
Colour in Motion - BuyMicro Vision Recordings -
Varsity Star - Salamander - BuyWerkha -Tru Thoughts
Falling Through The Wall - BuyThe Flashbulb -
Creep - BuyCIALYN -
Winds Reader - BuyLeah Kardos -bigo & twigetti
Into Sporks - BuyYouandewan -Aus Music
4D Anxiety - BuyELWD -Bad Taste
inbloom - BuyKickflip Mike & Julius Conrad -Tartelet Records
BBQ Skit - Buycliffordandcalix -
To Stay Changed Forever - 1999 - BuyPenya -On the Corner
Karachi (what could of been) - BuyKeleketla! -Ahead of Our Time
Future Toyi Toyi (Edit) - BuyArab Strap -Rock Action Records
Another Clockwork Day - BuyKOKOKO! -Transgressive
Likolo (TLC Fam Remix)